Answers to Student questions

LATEST UPDATE: 40 Sentence transformations ready to go!

CAE Parts 4 Ex 1-4 With Answers.

A8UoE Part 4 - Ex 1

For Questions 11-18, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.

5.11 I didn't stop worrying about the wild animals until we were safe inside camp.
It was……only when I returned to………………………………………………….safety of camp that I
Stopped worrying about the wild animals.

5.12 Steve's one topic of conversation is the time he spent as a pilot.
The time he spent as a pilot … is all he ever talks………………………………………………..about.

5.13 After arriving at the airport, we realized that our passports were still at home.
It………wasn't until we arrived…………………………………………at the airport that we realized our 
passports were still at home.

5.14 When Michael's boat began to sink, he sent a signal for help.
When Michael's boat began to sink, what …he did was send…………………………………..a signal
for help.

5.15 Immediately after Emi quit her job, she booked a package tour around Europe.
As……soon as she had handed………………………………………………… her notice Emi booked a 
Package tour around Europe.

5.16 I don't get on very well with many people but I hit it off with Jason straightaway.
I don't get on very well with many people but Jason ……and I took to each………………………….
other straightaway.

5.17 I was impatient to get home because the holiday was such a disaster.
The holiday was so………disastrous I couldn't wait………………………………………………to get home.

5.18 I was hoping not to have to share a tent with anyone else on the camping trip.
I was hoping I would………have a tent to [NOT for]………………………………………………..myself on
the camping trip but I had to share.

A8UoE Part 4 - Ex 2

For Questions 21-28, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.

5.21 As I didn't want to disappoint my parents, I agreed to go to medical school.
Not……wanting to let down………………………………… parents, I agreed to go to medical school.

5.22 After deciding he would leave home, Enrique immediately began searching for an
Having…taken/made the decision to……………………………leave home, Enrique immediately began searching
for an apartment.

5.23 Make sure you look after your bag in this cafe" as there are many thieves around.
I suggest…you keep an eye on……………………………..your bag in this cafe" as there are many thieves

5.24 Your chances of being affected by eye-strain and back injury increase with the
amount of time you spend in front of a screen.
The more time you spend in front of a screen, the……more likely you are to suffer……………………….from eye-
strain and back injury. 

5.25 With that bad cold you won't be able to help us so take the day off work.
With that bad cold you'll……be no use to………………………….anyone so take the day off work.

5.26 When James heard that his father had left all his money to his brother he did not
find it surprising.
It…came as no surprise to James………………………… hear that his father had left all his money to his brother.

5.27 I feel certain that there will be a new government after the election.
In my opinion, there…………is bound to be a change…………………………..of government after the election.

5.28 Most employees used to be proud of working for the same company all their lives
but not anymore.
Most employees no…longer take (any) pride in…………………………..working for the same company all their

A8UoE Part 4 - Ex 3

For Questions 31-38, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.

5.31 At Jeremy's leaving party, his boss made a speech and said he hoped Jeremy would
have a good future.
At Jeremy's leaving party, his boss made a speech and wished…him all the best for…………………………..
the future.

5.32 Our attempts to persuade Soji to continue his studies weren't successful and he left
university early.
Our attempts to persuade Soji not to give……up his studies met with……………………………………….no 
success and he left university early.

5.33 The interviewer told Belinda that he would write to her to inform her whether her
application had been successful.
The interviewer told Belinda that he would …………let her know in………………………………writing 
whether her application had been successful or not.

5.34 It's possible that the shops will sell all their bottled water so we should buy all we need 
We should buy all the bottled water we need now ………in case the shops run…………………………out of it.

5.35 If we don't stop the sale of tiger products now, it's possible there will be no more tigers left
within the next ten years.
We need to stop the sale of tiger products now …otherwise…tigers will die…………………………..out within the
next ten years.

5.36 Even though Diego didn't know any French at all, he managed to communicate with the 
Parisian taxi driver.
Despite …not knowing a single word of…………………………………………French, Diego managed to communicate
with the Parisian taxi driver.

5.37 Tom's tutor told him that more effort was required in order to pass the course.
Tom's tutor told him he would fail the course ……unless he made a greater……………….effort.

5.38 I wish I hadn't let Max borrow my money because none of his investments has shown a 
I ought …never to have lent……………………my money to Max because none of his 
investments has shown a profit.

A8UoE Part 4 - Ex 4

For Questions 41-48, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.

5.41 We would like you to pay for the delivery of this special order before you receive it.
We would appreciate …………it if you could pay in………………………………….advance for the delivery of 
this special order.

5.42 Scientists think that there is nothing on that planet to suggest there is any life there.
According to scientists, there appears ………………to be no sign of…………………………….life on that 

5.43 When I caught my boyfriend reading my emails, I told him I felt he had invaded
my privacy.
When I caught my boyfriend reading my emails, I told him I regarded it …as an invasion of…………………
my privacy.

5.44 It is now 24 hours since Mr William's boat sank and people think there is little 
likelihood he will survive.
It is now 24 hours since Mr Williams's boat sank and his …chance of survival are thought…………………… be slim.
5.45 I regret not having the feeling of achieving anything after reaching the summit but I 
was too exhausted.
I wish I…had had/felt a sense of achievement……………………….after reaching the summit but I 
was too exhausted.

5.46 Jane really wants to have everyone looking at her every time we go out in a group.
Jane can't help…but be the centre of………………… attention every time we go 
out in a group.

5.47 I hoped to persuade the boss of the benefit to me of going away on a camping trip for
ten days.
I hoped to persuade the boss that a ………camping trip would do………………………………….me good.

5.48 Although the job meant that he earned money regularly, Tony did not enjoy it.
Although the job provided him……with a regular source…………………………………..of income, 
Tony did not enjoy it. 

A8UoE Part 4- Ex 5

For Questions 51-58, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.

5.51 This is your third warning from me this week about being late for work.
This is the third time this week I…have warned you not…………………………be late for work.

5.52 I think Anita must have gone on a diet recently because she's quite slim now.
It looks as…if Anita has taken up………………………….dieting because she's quite slim now.

5.53 I always hated pasta when 1 was a child but now I cook it regularly.
I…didn't use to like/enjoy………………………pasta when I was a child but now 1 cook it regularly.

5.54 I went to have my own look at the apartment and 1 couldn't understand why my
friend wanted us to live in such a depressing place!
Having…been to see it for…………………………..myself, I couldn't understand why my friend
wanted us to live in such a depressing place!

5.55 We wanted to continue our mountain trek but the weather was too bad.
We…would like to have carried/gone………on with our mountain trek but the weather was too bad.

5.56 I want to inform you that I was not satisfied with the standard of service in your
I would……like to express my dissatisfaction………………………………with the standard of service in your hotel.

5.57 I wanted to stay in last night but my flatmate insisted we go out.
I.....would sooner have stayed……… last night but my flatmate insisted we go out.

5.58 Didn't you want me to tell the staff about your resignation?
Would…you rather I didn't tell…………………………………the staff know about your resignation?

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!

    I am trying to find the key and I can't. Could you help me out?

    Thanks a lot for your post :)


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